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Dog Shot Multiple Times for ‘Being on the Wrong Side of the Wrong Fence’

A dog that was shot multiple times has been rescued by a humane society in Texas and successfully paired with a foster home via Facebook.

With multiple fragments and whole bullets in his body, the 2-year-old Great Pyrenees mix suffered injuries to his face, neck, back and leg.

Llano City Animal Control was called with reports that a dog had been shot and had run under a building. Officers responded to take custody of the animal, and he was handed over to Hill Country Humane Society in Buchanan Dam, Texas.

“Unfortunately, a lot of them do not get spayed or neutered, and like Messiah, they are driven by natural instincts and roam to find a mate.”

Arriving at the society on January 12, the team jumped into action making phone calls to find a vet who could help Messiah.

“We were given very little information by Llano Animal Control,” said the Hill Country Humane Society spokesperson. “From what we have pieced together, he was shot by a neighbor of the caller twice, and has multiple bullet fragments in his body. The one close to his nasal cavity is the one that seems to be causing the vets the most concern.”

Messiah has received X-rays, antibiotics and pain control. He also had an excess of gas buildup drained from his stomach and is being treated for anemia, thought to be as a result of blood loss.

Hill Country Humane Society shared Messiah’s story on Facebook where they appealed for support to pay for the medical care he requires and asked for any additional information.

There were hundreds of replies, with people shocked by the story: “How can people be so cruel. That baby didn’t do anything for this to happen,” wrote one Facebook user.

Another commenter posted: “Prayers for this beautiful boy to make a quick and full recovery.”

“I really hope the poor dog will make it and find a happy home,” wrote another Facebook user, while another commented: “Who would do such a horrible thing?”

The response from the public has meant that Messiah can receive the best possible care. Hill Country Humane Society wrote: “Our community has been nothing short of amazing and has helped tremendously with the cost of vet care he has already incurred as well as the care he is still needing. Being a nonprofit municipal shelter, we are no strangers to fundraising to save animals.

“We are so overwhelmed by and grateful for all of the good people in the world who are out there pulling for him! It helps to restore our faith in humanity after seeing what this sweet dog has endured for simply being on the wrong side of the wrong fence,” the team added.

Alongside fundraising for Messiah’s care, the team members are beginning to raise funds for what they say will be a “truly low cost” spay-and-neuter program in the community.

“Hopefully, our spay/neuter program will help prevent things like this from happening to more dogs,” wrote Hill Country Humane Society.

Messiah has now be fostered so he can receive one-on-one care while he continues to recover from his injuries.

“Update: FOSTER FOUND!!!!! & a fantastic one!! Thank you Nikki Castle !!
After some more recovery time and vetting, he will be available for adoption,” Hill Country Humane Society wrote.

“We are not sure when he will be available. We will continue to update! He will be seeing a new vet soon so we can have their opinion on providing him the most comfortable and happy life!”