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Texas Firefighters Rescue Tiny Dog Trapped Behind Toilet: ‘An Unusual Problem’

The pup, Tippy, was safely removed from behind the toilet and “was last seen dozing comfortably in a much less precarious place”

A Texas dog’s bathroom break took a little longer than expected.

The tiny pup, named Tippy, became wedged between a toilet and wall at his home Monday morning — and couldn’t wriggle free.

When his owner, Lynda, an elderly wheelchair user, discovered the trapped pooch, she contacted her local fire department, which quickly came to the canine’s rescue.

“This morning the crew from E102 were confronted with an unusual problem,” The Woodlands Fire Department, which handled Tippy’s rescue, wrote in a Facebook post. “A small dog had managed to wedge himself behind a toilet.”


The post said that when rescuers arrived, firefighters Matt Fojtik, Justin Bumpass, and Eric Hendrix found that the pup was “well and truly stuck.”

“They tried several things but in the end they had to remove a small amount of Sheetrock to free the pinned pooch,” the post said.

According to Fire Chief Palmer Buck, Tippy’s owner thought her pup ended up behind the toilet while trying to keep cool in the Texas heat.

Photos shared by the Texas fire department show two firefighters bent over the toilet, attempting to remove a section of wall to free Tippy without hurting him. Another snapshot shows Tippy’s head poking out from behind his porcelain prison.


According to the department, Tippy was safely removed, returned to his owner, and “was last seen dozing comfortably in a much less precarious place.”

The fire department’s post depicting the bathroom rescue was shared in a Facebook group for countywide news — Montgomery County Happening Now — and members of the group had a lot to say about it.

Several individuals thanked the firefighters for their valiant efforts — commenting things like “You guys are awesome!” and “Good job rescuing that pup!” — while others highlighted the humor in the situation.

“I would love to hear a transcript of that call!” one person wrote. “If that happened at our house I don’t know if I’d be hysterically crying or laughing 😂”

“Tippy, go outside next time!” another joked.