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Nobody Would Adopt This Cat Cause Of A Tumor On Her Face

Being a stray pet is difficult enough, but when you’re a stray pet with a medical issue or a handicap, it can be that much tougher. And unfortunately for some stray animals facing those hardships, it can be a death sentence if no one intervenes.

Keta the cat is less than a year old, yet she was facing that exact predicament while living in a kill shelter on borrowed time. Thankfully, the rescue, Unwanted NYC Pets, found her just in the nick of time and got her the medical attention that she desperately needed.

Keta was living with a tumor that was growing in her mouth. It was large – the size of a baseball!

The poor cat was starving as a result, but despite her tumor, she had a strong will to live – her rescuers knew they couldn’t just leave her.

The obvious solution was to perform surgery, although it was not without its risks. There was the risk of Keta needing to be on a feeding tube, losing an eye, or coming out deformed afterward and then never finding a home as a result.

Before anything was done, her tumor was carefully examined, and then a plan was put into place.

Keta clearly knew what was going on during her examination. The precious little cat showed her gratitude and purred the whole way through.

Her surgeon, Dr. Tomas Ingernuso, managed to avoid the possible complications, and successfully removed the tumor.

Keta is now a happy kitty on the road to recovery!

Her skin where the tumor was is beginning to tighten back up. Plus, she is eating on her own now as well.