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Rescuers Carefully Extract French Bulldog from Kitchen Sink After Pet Gets Paw Stuck in Drain

To free the Frenchie from the sink, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue removed the drain and the dog from the sink and then had specialists come to detach the drain from the dog’s paw

Florida firefighters rescued a French bulldog from a sticky situation.

On Wednesday, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue shared in a Facebook post that the 6-month-old Frenchie named Cookie recently got a paw stuck in the drain of the kitchen skin while getting a bath,

Cookie’s owners tried to free the dog, but the pet parents contacted Palm Beach County Fire Rescue when that failed. Firefighters responded to the call, driving to the dog’s home in West Palm Beach to help free the pooch.

Palm Beach County Fire Rescue said its crew at Station 36 worked “diligently” to carefully remove the drain from the sink —with Cookie’s paw still stuck inside — before Special Operations Unit 34 came with tools to free Cookie’s paw from the train by cutting out the metal surrounding the pet’s foot.


Photos the agency posted to its social media show the entire rescue process. The first snap shows Cookie stuck to the sink, looking fearfully to the side as someone works in the background to remove the drain. In another photo, the French bulldog stares wide-eyed as rescuers examine the drain still covering the dog’s paw.


Additional pictures show the rescue team working to remove the silver drain from the Frenchie’s back paw using a wrench and other tools. In the post’s final photo, Cookie is free from the sink and the drain and is enjoying a cuddle with one of her rescuers while sporting a bandage on her formerly caught foot.


Palm Beach County Fire Rescue said the whole ordeal took over an hour. Cookie’s family took the pup to an animal hospital for further treatment after she was disentangled from the sink’s drain.

Palm Beach County Fire Rescue finished the rescue post with the hashtags “#AllHazardsAllTheTime” and “#PetsAreFamily.”

While curious cats are usually the pets many expect to end up in odd situations, dogs also have a habit of getting stuck in weird places.

In May, a pet dog got caught near the top of England’s tallest mountain after tiring out from the climb up. The canine, an Akita named Rocky, was eventually carried down the mountain by a rescue team.